Coming soon!


Hi there! I don’t have time at the moment to write a proper blog post because I am at my sister’s house using her computer. It blows so hard not having internet or cable at home! I have to wait until Thursday for that crap, and I am jonesing in a big way!

I took today and tomorrow off from work so that I can unpack and get somewhat-settled in the new house. It’s a great house, but there are a few weird things. Like the beautiful light in the dining room that has a hidden switch– behind a cabinet, near the floor, attached to an electrical outlet. And this isn’t really weird, but it is stupid– I accidentally knocked a curtain rod out of the wall, ripping out a chunk of plaster in the process and snapping the end off of the other side of the rod (it’s wooden) when it hit the floor. But I only knocked it down because I was moving the cabinet to get to the mysterious light switch. So there, Landlord. It’s your fault. (I’m still going to try to fix it myself, though.)

I have much news to tell you all! In fact, one very BIG bit of news in particular. But I need pictures to go along with it and well, without the computer, it’s been tough to download pictures and of course I forgot my camera tonight. But Wednesday I will be back at work and able to blog again, and I shall share the news! You’re going to love it! Because it is CUTE NEWS. 😉

Oh, and before I go, I am doing OK emotionally. Not great. I told my sister tonight I am at about 75% right now. Still have a 25% portion of me that’s scared, regretful, depressed, inexplicably ready to cry at a moment’s notice…blah. That’s to be expected, though.

See you on Wednesday! Until then, good ladies, PEACE OUT. Love ya.

6 responses »

  1. You either got a dog or a vibrator. Either way, I cannot wait to see what BIG news you have for us. 🙂

    Oh and as long as the house isn’t haunted or infested with bugs, take all of the mystery light switches you can get!

  2. I can’t wait to hear all about the move and your cute news! I’ve been thinking about you and I’m really excited and jealous that you get to decorate a fun new house; it will feel like home in no time!

  3. I think I know your cute news! :o) But I won’t ruin it for anyone else.

    I’m excited to see you back at work tomorrow! Hoooraaaaay, work!

    [OK, not so much … but enthusiasm helps.]

  4. I am going to hope this good news involves a puppy because I don’t know how I feel about pictures of a vibrator. I love you to pieces but I am not sure we are ready for THAT much sharing. 🙂

  5. No silly Fraulein, I meant that the news about a vibrator would be BIG. Not cute. Unless, the vibrator was in the shape of something cute like a rabbit, dolphin or butterfly. Let me stop right here or I am going to get myself into trouble.

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